Vary a premises licence / club premises certificate

Any other changes to a premises licence require a full variation. The process for applying for a variation is similar to that of applying for a new licence. Further information can be found in the premises licence guidance. 

We recommend that you speak to us before making your application. Please email, or call us on 01772 625625.

A variation cannot be used to extend a time-limited licence or transfer a licence from one premises or another. A new premises licence application should be submitted in these cases.

You will need to advertise your application for the full 28-day consultation period, which starts the day after your application is received by us, by displaying a public notice on pale blue paper at or from the premises. View sample variation of a premises licence notice.

You also need to place the same wording in a local newspaper within the first 10 days of consultation. 

Full details of the advertisement requirements are in the premises licence guidance

Apply to vary a premises licence

To apply, you should complete the relevant form below:

Vary a premises licence application form

Vary a club premises certificate application form

The completed form should be sent to us by email to Alternatively you can post to South Ribble Borough Council Licensing Team, Civic Centre, West Paddock, Leyland, Lancashire, PR25 1DH.

Tacit consent

If there are no outstanding representations at the close of the 28 day consultation period, the licence is granted in the terms applied for. If there are outstanding objections, the application will be referred to a Licensing Sub-Committee for determination.