Minor variation of premises licence / club premises certificate

You can make an application for a minor variation to a premises licence. A minor variation is one which could have no adverse impact on the licensing objectives.

The fee for a minor variation is £89.

We recommend that you speak to us before making your application. Please email licensing@southribble.gov.uk, or call us on 01772 625625.

Apply to vary a licence

To apply, you should complete a minor variation application form.

The completed form should be sent to us by email to licensing@southribble.gov.uk. Alternatively you can post to South Ribble Borough Council Licensing Team, Civic Centre, West Paddock, Leyland, Lancashire, PR25 1DH.

There is a period of 10 working days' consultation, starting the day after you give your application to us. You must publish a notice at the premises on white paper for the whole period. View sample minor variation notice.

View more information on the minor variation guidance.

Tacit consent

After the 10 day consultation period has expired, if there are no outstanding representations the application is granted as applied for. If there are outstanding representations the application is rejected.