Useful contacts

Enquiry  Department/ Service Contact
General  South Ribble Borough Council

Gateway Customer Services
Civic Centre
West Paddock
PR25 1DH
Tel: 01772 421491

Trees and Development;
Trees in Conservation Areas;
Tree Preservation Orders;
Planning department

Civic Centre
West Paddock
PR25 1DH
Tel: 01772 421491

Trees Established on Council Land / Property; Tress in Public Parks and Open Spaces Neighbourhood Services Civic Centre
West Paddock
PR25 1DH
Tel: 01772 421491
Trees and Suspected Tree Related Subsidence or Insurance Matters Shared Assurance Services Civic Centre
West Paddock
PR25 1DH
Tel: 01772 421491
Trees and Insect / Animal Pests Environmental Health Civic Centre
West Paddock
PR25 1DH
Tel: 01772 421491
Trees and Public highways or Footpath Lancashire County Council Civic Centre
West Paddock
PR25 1DH
Tel: 01772 421491