Appendix 1 – Summary of actions from the Air Quality Action Plan 2018

Work with taxi firms to encourage the uptake of low emission vehicles (Electric) Buses & Taxis SRBC – Licensing / Environmental Health
Further reduce the age limit of taxis within the borough Buses & Taxis SRBC – Licensing / Environmental Health
Stop taxis and buses idling within AQMA’s and outside schools & Colleges Buses & Taxis

SRBC – Licensing / Environmental

Health Lancashire County Council - Highways

To consider a reduced taxi license fee for electric vehicles Buses & Taxis SRBC – Licensing / Environmental Health
To work with both bus and taxi companies to apply for any grant bids available Buses & Taxi

SRBC – Licensing / Environmental

Health Public Health Lancashire

Implement an ‘Electrify campaign – encouraging businesses to only use electric taxis Buses & Taxis SRBC – Environmental Health
Action Broad Topic Area Lead Authority/Department
Encouraging Car Sharing within the borough Travel Choice & Education

SRBC – Environmental Health

Lancashire County Council

Public Health Lancashire

Development and delivery of education programmes to schools Travel Choice & Education

SRBC – Environmental Health

Schools, Colleges

Development of educational material for businesses Travel Choice & Education SRBC – Environmental Health / Economic Development
Development and run a campaign to reduce school traffic e.g. walk/cycle to school Travel Choice & Education

SRBC – Environmental Health

Schools, Colleges

Investigate the provision of personal travel plans for residents and employees within the borough Travel Choice & Education SRBC – Environmental Health
Promote cycling within the borough, including cycle to work day, salary sacrifice scheme Travel Choice & Education SRBC – Environmental Health / Sports Development
Promote walking within the borough, including promotion of walking routes, the Leyland Loop Travel Choice & Education SRBC – Environmental Health / Community
Encourage ‘walk to school’ and the use of ‘walking buses’ across the borough for all schools Travel Choice & Education SRBC – Environmental Health / sports development Schools, Colleges
Encourage elected members to car share and use alternative forms of transport, in particular to council meetings and functions Internal to SRBC SRBC – Leader, Leader of the opposition
Action Broad Topic Area Lead Authority/Department
Replace the mayoral car with an electric car Internal to SRBC SRBC – Neighbourhood Services / Members
Provide education and information relating to air quality through members learning hours, leaflets and councillor connect Internal to SRBC SRBC – Environmental Health
Air Quality shall be considered within the decision making process on every report to cabinet, council, portfolio holder decision etc Internal to SRBC SRBC – Democratic Services / Environmental Health
Replace the civic centre pool car with an electric car Internal to SRBC SRBC - Neighbourhoods
Systematically replace the depot vans with electric vehicles Internal to SRBC SRBC - Neighbourhoods
Systematically replace grounds vehicles with electric vehicles as technology becomes available Internal to SRBC SRBC - Neighbourhoods
The provision of electric vehicle charging points at council buildings, initially the civic centre and depot. These may be provided free of charge to enable the installation of cheaper charging points and encourage the uptake of electric vehicles Internal to SRBC SRBC – Neighbourhoods / Property Services
Apply for the Workplace EVR point Government scheme Internal to SRBC SRBC - Neighbourhoods
Action Broad Topic Area Lead Authority/Department
Sign up to the nhs fleet solutions salary sacrifice scheme’ this allows staff to purchase via salary sacrifice a new car (to be restricted to electric vehicles only) including all insurance, tax, and servicing Internal to SRBC SRBC – Human Resources / Environmental Health
Provide secure lockable cycle storage facilities at the civic and depot Internal to SRBC SRBC - Neighbourhoods 
Provide suitable changing rooms and storage facilities for use of staff Internal to SRBC  SRBC – Neighbourhoods / Property Services
Continue with the ‘bike to work’ salary sacrifice scheme Internal to SRBC SRBC – Human Resources
Provide cycle reassurance training for any member of staff, elected members who wish to receive it Internal to SRBC SRBC – Sports Development
Encourage staff to use alternative modes of travel e.g. cycling and walking Internal to SRBC SRBC – Comms
Promote car sharing among staff Internal to SRBC SRBC - Comms
Alter the policy to allow essential users to leave their cars at home and walk/cycle to work on certain days in line with business requirements and manager agreement without the risk of loss of the lump sum Internal to SRBC SRBC – Extended leadership Team
Develop an internal travel plan and offer individual travel planning guidance to staff and elected members Internal to SRBC SRBC – Environmental Health