Appendix 1

SRBC climate emergency task group scope.

Scoping sheet
Title of Working Group: Climate Emergency Working Group
Type of Working Group: Cross-party Member Working Group reporting to Council
Task Group Members:
  • Councillor Keith Martin (Chair)
  • Councillor Stephen Thurlbourn (Vice-Chair)
  • Councillor Susan Jones
  • Councillor Jane Bell
  • Councillor Chris Lomax
  • Councillor Colin Coulton
  • Councillor Michael Green
  • Councillor Peter Mullineaux
  • Councillor Matthew Trafford
  • Councillor Angie Turner
Officer Support
  •  Jennifer Mullin
  • Neil Martin
  • Melanie Berry
  • Coral Astbury

1. In 2018, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published a report which advised that we must limit global warming to 1.5°C, as opposed to the previous target of 2°C. Their review of over 6,000 sources of evidence found that, with a rise of 1.5°C, there would be risks to health, livelihoods, food security, water supply, human security and economic growth.

2. It is recognised by the majority of scientists and governments that climate change is occurring and without significant action to address the problem and limit carbon *emissions serious life threatening consequences will occur.

*This scoping sheet refers to emissions of 'carbon' or 'carbon dioxide'. This should be considered shorthand for all greenhouse gas emissions, not just carbon dioxide.

3. In July 2019 full council passed a motion which declared a Climate Emergency with the overarching goal of "rendering the borough carbon neutral by the year 2030".

4. This goal means the borough shall produce no net carbon emissions by this date, taking account of actions that have the effect of removing carbon from the environment.

5. The Group recognises that there are other factors beyond its control that would help to tackle a worldwide reduction of carbon.

6. Following this declaration, a cross party working group was therefore created to form an Action Plan to achieve this goal and report back to Council detailing the proposed scope of the review and actions.

Review Aims & Objectives: Please include the main priorities of the project, etc.

Aim: To achieve carbon neutrality for the borough of South Ribble by 2030, taking account of any carbon offsetting identified.


  • To carry out an assessment of current activities, including estimating the current Carbon Footprint of South Ribble
  • To research best practice and look for innovative new approaches to reducing carbon emissions, carbon off setting and climate mitigation
  • To produce a Climate Emergency Strategy and way forward for council to consider.
  • To include those elements contained within the Greenhouse Gas Protocol defined as Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions. Direct emissions shall be taken as including fuel (energy), vehicles, farming, quarrying, waste produced and deposited within the borough from Domestic, Commercial, Industrial, Educational, Farming and leisure activities. It does not include those emissions generated by vehicles travelling through the borough, i.e. on motorways or by railway.
  • To define all emissions and reductions against a base year of 1990.
In Scope:
  • Consultation
  • Community engagement
  • Working with external partners such as One Carbon World who are partnered with the UN Climate Neutral Now Initiative.
  • Work with partners across the district, county and region to help deliver this new goal through all relevant strategies, plans and shared resources.
  • Lobby Government on issues that the Council do not have any direct control over to reduce carbon emissions e.g. transport, agriculture, industry and housing.
  • Influence Local Plan and Central Lancashire Strategy by working toward developing policies that reduce carbon emissions.
  • Work with young people, including in schools and Colleges.
  • To use the Council's direct areas of wider influence. These are areas where the Council can have a significant impact on reducing wider carbon emissions and mitigating climate in the District Housing, planning / building control, tree planting.
  • To become a climate Change leader for the borough. The council does not have any direct control over significant causes of emissions egg transport, agriculture, industry and housing. However, we can adopt a leadership role and engage with, influence, support mitigation of climate change across the whole District.
  • To investigate, promote and as required implement measures to help mitigate against the impacts of climate change (heatwaves, coldspells, drought, pests).
Link with Corporate / Divisional / Service Aims and Priorities:

The review links directly with our new council vision: 'A healthy and happy community, flourishing together in a safer and fairer borough'

There are also links with all our new priorities:

  • Health, wellbeing and safety
  • Our people and communities
  • Place homes and environment
Indicators of Success: The review meets its objectives and produces a comprehensive Climate Emergency Strategy with SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, and realistic and timebound) recommendations.
  • Audit of existing Carbon Footprint of the borough
  • Desktop review of best practice
  • Visit best practice authorities
  • Sign up to One Carbon World
  • Inviting Climate Experts
  • All Member Workshop
  • Workshop with partners
  •  Workshop with staff
  • Identifying funding options available 
  • Residents' Survey
Witnesses/Experts/Interested Parties
  • One Carbon World
  • Academic Experts
  • Association of Head Teachers in South Ribble
  •  Young people (others as deemed appropriate)

Invitation to attend meetings of the Climate Emergency Working Group will be agreed in advance by members of the Group.

Evidence Sources for Documents
  • Department of Environment, Food and Rural affairs.
  • Local Government Association
  • Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government
  • Forestry Commission
  • APSE Local Government Network
  • Other relevant interested groups, organisation and experts
  • (this list is not exhaustible)
Site Visits
  • Environment Conferences
  • Best Practice Authorities
Publicity Requirements
  • Website including Social Media
  • Councillor Ward Surgeries
  • Public Drop-in sessions
  • Public Consultation on draft Climate Emergency Strategy
  • Letters to stakeholders/interested parties
  • Article on Cllr Connect
  • Article on Employee Connect
  • Ad-hoc Press Releases throughout process.
  • Advertising
  • Local Radio
  • My neighbourhood forums
Other Resources Requirements: Including financial To be met from existing budgets (currently).
Review implications / impacts / risks: Consider financial, planning, social, economic, environmental, health and safety, legal, service provision, procurement etc.
  • Close working of the Member Task Group
  • Ensure there is no duplication of work
  • Ensure we get member, employee and partners buy-in and support
  • Ensure the project remains within scope
  • Ensure the project remains to timescale
  • Six-monthly monitoring of the implementation of recommendations
Milestones during Implementation:
  • Update report to Cabinet early 2020
  • Update full Council 4 times a year.
  • Produce Climate Emergency Strategy Outline by June 2020
  • Finalise Climate Emergency Strategy by September 2020
Project Monitoring Arrangements:
  • To be monitored at the regular members meetings.
Cover Sheet Completed by: (Name and Signature)  
Project approved by : (Name and Signature)