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Street naming and numbering guidance

4. General naming conventions

4.1       No street name should start with "The".

4.2       Street names cannot be duplicated within South Ribble Borough.

4.3       Street names should not be difficult to pronounce or awkward to spell. Street names that are phonetically similar or with similar spellings are discouraged.

4.4       Street names of persons living or dead will not be allowed. Exceptions will be highways where there are no dwellings (and not likely to be such as a by pass or dual carriageway) or individual property names.

4.5       In the first instance, the street names should, where possible, reflect the history or geography of the site or area. If the site does have some historical value or former use that lends itself to street names, then no other 'theme' will be considered.

4.6       Street names that could be construed as advertising will not be allowed.

4.7      Street names that could be considered offensive will not be allowed.

4.8      Subsidiary names (i.e. a row of buildings within an already named road being called .....Terrace) will not be allowed.

4.9      Estates with "A theme" in close proximity to another with an identical theme will not be considered.

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