Parking accounts 2018-19

A section 55 Parking Account must be produced each year end and must include 

  • income from on-street parking charges and on-street parking fines and off street fines
  • expenditure on the provision and maintenance of designated parking places and enforcement 

These finances are governed by section 55 (as amended) of the road Traffic Regulation Act 1984

For details on street parking, please consult Lancashire County Council's parking accounts.

Income and expenditure: Section 55
Section 55 Parking Account 2018/19
Off Street Parking Fines (PCN's) (22,739)
Total Income (22,739)
Enforcement 20,219
Processing 3,478
Support Services 13,545
Total Expenditure 37,242
(Surplus) / Deficit 14,503


Additional information

The number of street pay and display parking spaces provided by the council is detailed below:

Pay and display bays: 479

Restricted bays: 1,010

Total number controlled off street parking spaces: 1,489

The local government Transparency Code requires that all local councils must publish their parking account information showing revenue collected from on-street parking, off-street parking and penalty charge notices and associated expenditure. 

For details on street parking, please consult Lancashire County Council's parking accounts.

Income and expenditure: Parking account
Parking account 2018/19
Off-Street Parking Permits (20,979)
Off-Street Parking Fees (112,511)
Off Street Parking Fines (PCN's) (22,739)
Total Income (156,229)
Direct salary costs 9,445
Premises 68,821
Supplies and Services 31,481
Transfer Payments  
Support Services 40,634
Total Expenditure 150,381
(Surplus) / Deficit



The parking account made a surplus of £5,848 in 2018-19. This is to be reinvested in the service.