The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is legislation that grants Authorities the ability to levy a charge on new development in order to fund infrastructure that is needed to support development.

Our Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) charges took effect on 1 September 2013 and the council is both a CIL charging and a CIL collecting authority.

To ensure that the levy is open and transparent, we are required to prepare a report on the levy detailing CIL income and expenditure, to be published on our website by 31 December each year, for the previous financial year.

For the 2019/20 year onwards, the Regulations were amended. The annual report is now referred to as the Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS), and will include information on S106 as well as CIL.  

The IFS is to be published on our website by 31 December each year, for the previous financial year, under the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended), Regulation 121A(1). 

There are 3 sections to the IFS:  "The Infrastructure List", "The CIL Financial Report", and "The S106 Financial Report". 

Financial Reports – Regulation 121A – Schedule 2 Section 1 / Section 3

IFS: The CIL and S106 Financial Report 2021/22

IFS: The CIL and S106 Financial Report 2020/21

IFS: The CIL and S106 Financial Report 2019/20

Infrastructure List Statements – Regulation 121A Paragraph (1)(a)