A section 55 Parking Account must be produced each year end and must include 

  • income from on-street parking charges and on-street parking fines and off street fines
  • expenditure on the provision and maintenance of designated parking places and enforcement 

These finances are governed by section 55 (as amended) of the road Traffic Regulation Act 1984


PCN Contravention codes


PCN Contravention Codes: Off street parking
70 Parked in a loading area during restricted hours without reasonable excuse Higher
73 Parked without payment of the parking charge Lower
74 Using a vehicle in a parking place in connection with the sale or offering or exposing for sale of goods when prohibited Higher
80 Parked for longer than the maximum period permitted Lower
81 Parked in a restricted area in a car park Higher
82 Parked after the expiry of paid for time Lower
83 Parked in a car park without clearly displaying a valid pay & display ticket or voucher or parking clock** Lower
84 Parked with additional payment made to extend the stay beyond time first purchased Lower
85 Parked in a permit bay without clearly displaying a valid permit Higher
86 Parked beyond the bay markings Lower
87 Parked in a designated disabled person's parking place without displaying a valid disabled person's badge in the prescribed manner Higher
89 Vehicle parked exceeds maximum weight or height or length permitted in the area Higher
90 Re-parked within one hour* of leaving a bay or space in a car park Lower
91 Parked in a car park or area not designated for that class of vehicle Higher
92 Parked causing an obstruction Higher
93 Parked in car park when closed Lower
94 Parked in a pay & display car park without clearly displaying two**** valid pay and display tickets when required Lower
95 Parked in a parking place for a purpose other than the designated purpose for the parking place Lower
96 Parked with engine running where prohibited Lower