South Ribble's refreshed Corporate Strategy for 2023/24 - 24/25 was approved at a full Council meeting on 22 November.

The high-level document maps out the four key priorities for the council, and the commitments in place to ensure the priorities are met.

The priorities are:

  • An exemplary council- a council that understands its community, has high performing services, is open and transparent and provides value for money
  • Green and clean neighbourhoods- A borough with a choice of decent affordable housing with a choice of quality recreational activities along with a commitment to protecting the environment
  • Healthy and happy communities -creating places where residents can have positive mental health, can have access to services and support sn can have sense of belonging
  • Opportunities for everyone- communities that can access training and jobs, are supported to grow sustainable businesses and that can see investment in the borough

The full document can be found here: Corporate Strategy 2023/24 to 2024/25 - South Ribble Borough Council

Councillor Paul Foster, Leader of South Ribble Borough Council said, "The people of South Ribble are at the heart of everything we do, and this refreshed Corporate Strategy shows our commitment to do even more for our communities.

"We are a council that will listen, understand, and act on the things that matter most to our residents by being present in local areas and making services available when they are needed most.

"Our thriving community hub model is just one example of our commitment. But we're not just here for now, we are here for the future and will put in place the services and facilities to ensure that every resident is able to reach their full potential."

The council's Corporate Strategy has delivered many things for the borough, its residents, communities, and businesses over the last 12 months.

It has ensured that all residents across the community had access to services, advice, and practical financial support through its Cost-of-Living Action Plan, promoting wellbeing and supporting those coping with increasing costs.

15 affordable homes in Bamber Bridge - the first in the borough for a generation - have been delivered, and the delivery of the successful Music in the Park provided a sizable boost to the local economy and encouraged visitors from across the region to South Ribble.

To contribute towards climate change objectives, the council's biodiversity action plan is working to improve green infrastructure across the borough and businesses have been supported with the launch of a Business Energy Efficiency scheme and Skill Factory to support then to thrive and grow in the current challenging economic climate.

Councillor Foster continued, "I'm really proud of what we have been able to achieve over the last 12 months and I look forward to being able to build on this, listen even more to our communities, and work with them to make South Ribble a place where people can really thrive."

The Corporate Strategy can be found at Corporate Strategy 2023/24 to 2024/25 - South Ribble Borough Council and you can keep up with the multiple projects on the council's social media channels.

Published: 12th December 2023

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