Our  new Corporate Strategy builds upon the significant work that we already undertake, setting out priorities and projects to ensure that we meet the evolving needs of our communities The projects are aimed at supporting health and wellbeing, fostering clean and green neighbourhoods, promoting economic growth, and delivering efficient, transparent and innovative council services.

Our objectives this year continue to focus on the diversity of our residents, acknowledging the variety of experience, skills and knowledge they offer. Our community hubs will continue to provide meaningful opportunities for a distinct local expression. We are committed to establishing an inclusive youth provision, keeping our children and young people engaged within their communities while supporting all aspects of their development and wellbeing.

We want to celebrate the places we call home and the people who live and work there, furthering a sense of pride and belonging. We will bring communities together through events and community activities, highlighting individual elements of culture and heritage, inviting others to enjoy our lived experience.

We will advance, ambitious investment and regeneration across the borough, improving our high streets and town centres to attract business, jobs, skills and creating space for pleasure and creativity.

We acknowledge and recognise the increasing risks to our planet and local environment, and we are keen to identify, inform and influence necessary climate action and pursue a nature focused priority.

We are committed to being an inclusive and cooperative council. Listening to the views of residents, we will work with others to empower our communities, remove barriers and address inequality promoting increased opportunities.

Through the delivery of this Corporate Strategy, we will foster thriving communities. We will provide support when needed, encourage people to improve their own lives and the lives of others while recognising the gifts they individually offer to the communities in which they live.

Our strategic priorities are aligned with the government’s mission to deliver change. We are committed to being flexible in how we plan, deliver and achieve our vision and we will keep our corporate projects under review to respond to any changes to priorities.

Our vision

A listening, engaging and responsive council that makes the best use of its resources to enable every person and community to thrive in a vibrant, green and fair borough.

An Exemplary Council

A council that:

  • delivers high performing services that represent value for money
  • understands the community and works with partners to make things better
  • is open and transparent in its activities.

We will

  • Develop and deliver a participatory democracy project - To create opportunities for citizens to be engaged and involved in decision making processes and in shaping public policies, programmes, and initiatives
  • Develop a Commercial Strategy - To determine activities for optimising customer experiences and maximising revenue potential from council assets and activities
  • Develop a Cultural Strategy - To determine our arts, heritage, culture and events offer to help bring communities together and promote South Ribble as a visitor destination
  • Promote identity and cohesion in local communities - By developing and delivering a series of events and activities through our community hubs that celebrate local identity and place and engage our diverse communities.

Measuring success

  • 50% of service requests received will be via self-service channels
  • 80% of customers will be satisfied with the service they receive from the council
  • 11% of people will feel involved in the local area and decision making.

Healthy and Happy Communities

Places where:

  • residents have positive mental health
  • people get involved and have a sense of belonging 
  • communities can access services and support when they need them.

We will

  • Deliver Leisure Centre refurbishments - By carrying out improvement works across all Leisure Centres to enhance local facilities for residents
  • Develop a Housing Strategy - To determine activities for increasing the quantity and quality of housing in the borough
  • Undertake an options appraisal around the availability of affordable housing - To consider how we can increase the numbers and types of affordable homes in the borough, including council ownership
  • Refresh the homelessness and rough sleeping strategy - To determine activities for preventing and supporting homelessness and provision of accommodation for those that are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless
  • Take action to reduce Anti-Social Behaviour - By developing and delivering a programme of outreach support and diversionary activities to tackle anti-social behaviour in hot spot areas
  • Establish youth provision in the borough - By creating a programme of activities and facilities for young people ensuring that different groups have provision in their local area.

Measuring success

  • 2800 wellbeing sessions will be delivered by the council
  • 8000 residents will participate in activities delivered by the council
  • 60% average improvement in wellbeing score following support from the council
  • 50% of households presenting to the council are prevented from becoming homeless or have had their homelessness relieved
  • the number of benefit claimants as a proportion of resident population of area aged 16-64 is better than North West average.

Opportunities for Everyone

Communities that:

  • can access training and jobs
  • are supported to grow sustainable businesses 
  • see investment in improving the borough.

We will

  • Implement a targeted jobs and skills programme - By developing interventions aimed at supporting specific groups to access skills and jobs including armed forces veterans and young people not in education, employment or training
  • Deliver the Penwortham Masterplan - By taking forward the actions in the masterplan to improve the areas of Middleforth, and Kingsfold and Liverpool Road district centre
  • Create an Economic Partnership - By establishing a network of businesses and local leaders to support delivery of economic growth priorities, investment opportunities and interventions
  • Deliver Phase 2 of Leyland Town Deal - By undertaking the planned improvement works to Leyland Town Centre, Markets and the Northworks business hub to kickstart regeneration in South Ribble centre.

Measuring success

  • 600 business engagements/support measures provided by the council
  • 10% average of Social and Local Economic Value Added from contracts
  • the overall employment rate in South Ribble will be greater than the North West average
  • median workplace earnings in the borough will be better than the North West average
  • median earnings by residence (residents of South Ribble) will be better than the North West average.

Green and Clean Neighbourhoods

A borough with:

  • a choice of decent, affordable housing
  • commitment to protecting the local environment
  • a choice of quality recreational activities
  • less waste, more reuse and recycling.

We will

  • Complete and launch Jubilee Gardens - To create extra care provision in the borough including 75 supported apartments and facilities for local residents
  • Support community action on climate change - By developing and implementing initiatives alongside local communities focused on nature, human health, food and water security and disaster reduction to mitigate against climate change, promote well-being and biodiversity benefits
  • Progress the delivery of the Central Lancashire Local Plan - To ensure sustainable location of development and investment opportunities that will meet local needs now and in the future
  • Create the infrastructure for weekly food waste collections - To support 2026 government reforms which aim to improve recycling and reduce the impact of food waste on climate change.

Measuring success

  • 5 improvements to parks and open spaces
  • 85 biodiversity initiatives delivered
  • 80 Affordable Homes will be delivered
  • % of households living in fuel poverty will be better than the North West average
  • 43% of household waste sent for reuse, recycling or composting.

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Corporate Strategy 2024/2025