A refreshed cost-of-living action plan was approved by councillors at a meeting on 24 July.

A refreshed cost-of-living action plan was approved by councillors at a meeting on 24 July.

The plan focusses on building resilience in local policies and strategies to address key cost-of-living factors which includes, delivering early help and intervention to prevent issues arising or offering immediate or short-term support to residents who need emergency provision.

The refresh comes after a raft of support measures were announced earlier this year which included Household Support Payments, Affordable Warmth grants and the School Uniform Pop-Up Shop, which has helped over 1300 families since its launch in 2021 and the South Ribble Together roadshow bus, which travels around the borough offering help and guidance to residents.

Councillor Aniela Bylinski Gelder, Deputy Leader of South Ribble Borough Council said, “We know many of our residents have been hit hard by the cost-of-living crisis. With the continued rising cost of food, fluctuating energy prices, increased housing costs, many people are finding themselves in hardship.

“Our priority is to have healthy and happy communities and ensure that there are opportunities for everyone which is why this refreshed plan allows us to enable residents to access services and support when they need it.

“A huge part of this is our commitment to deliver an effective plan to mitigate the impacts of the cost of living and look at what early interventions we can put in place to help tackle issues before they arise, along with providing emergency support to those in crisis.”

The key delivery points from now until 2025 are to continue to work with our local partners to have a joined-up approach in supporting the people of South Ribble.

We will provide:

  • Advice and support – by continuing to invest in our social prescribing service which gives residents access to a raft of partners and support organisations who can help and to increase our outreach and engagement so people can be aware of the support on offer to them.
  • Financial and practical support – by continuing to distribute Household Support Payments and other financial payments and grants available and to continue with support schemes such as the support bus and School Uniform Pop-Up Shop.
  • Support for resilience in our communities – by providing funding to local partners providing direct support and providing funding for our local community hubs to identify local provision for help, advice and practical support.
  • A review of our polices and strategies – to make sure they are fit for purpose to address local need

The full action plan can be found at https://southribble.moderngov.co.uk/documents/s45345/Appendix%201%20for%20Cost%20of%20Living%20Action%20Plan%2020242025.pdf

Councillor Bylinski Gelder continues, “We do not want to see anyone in the borough struggling or suffering in silence.

“If you are facing hardship, need support, or are not sure where to turn, please contact us. You can see a raft of support and how you can get in touch at https://southribble.gov.uk/homepage/48/south-ribble-together


Published: 25th July 2024