Food hygiene rating scheme

If you are eating out or getting food in, you can find out in advance if a restaurant, takeaway or food shop you want to visit has good food hygiene standards. 

All food businesses in South Ribble are visited by us to review and rate their hygiene standards. The food hygiene rating reflects the standards of food hygiene found on the date of the inspection. The food hygiene rating is not a guide to food quality.

After each inspection the food business will receive one of the following ratings:

  • 5 (very good)
  • 4 (good)
  • 3 (generally satisfactory)
  • 2 (improvement necessary)
  • 1 (major improvement necessary)
  • 0 (urgent improvement necessary)

Food hygiene ratings are public and can be viewed online. View food hygiene rating scores on the Food Standards Agency website.    

What to do if you disagree with your score

As a food business operator if you believe your food hygiene rating is unfair, you can:

  • appeal your rating
  • use your 'right to reply' to have your own response to the rating appear alongside it
  • request a revisit.

If you think that the rating is wrong or unfair - in other words it does not reflect the hygiene standards at the time of your inspection, you have 21 days in which you can appeal against this. You should appeal in writing to the Lead Officer for Food, South Ribble Borough Council, Civic Centre, West Paddock, Leyland, PR25 1DH.

Further details for food businesses on the scheme, including how to challenge a food hygiene rating can be found using the information note for food businesses in England on the Food Standards Agency website. 

Alternatively, you can complete the relevant forms below and return them to us by email to