Security, Integrity and Confidentiality

Protection Personal Data

Personal Data must be secured by appropriate technical and organisational measures against unauthorised or unlawful Processing, and against accidental loss, destruction or damage.

The Council will develop, implement and maintain safeguards appropriate to our size, scope and business, our available resources, the amount of Personal Data that we own or maintain on behalf of others and identified risks (including use of encryption and Pseudonymisation where applicable). We will regularly evaluate and test the effectiveness of those safeguards to ensure security of our Processing of Personal Data. Council Personnel are responsible for protecting the Personal Data we hold. Council Personnel must implement reasonable and appropriate security measures against unlawful or unauthorised Processing of Personal Data and against the accidental loss of, or damage to, Personal Data. You must exercise particular care in protecting Sensitive Personal Data from loss and unauthorised access, use or disclosure.

Council Personnel must follow all procedures and technologies we put in place to maintain the security of all Personal Data from the point of collection to the point of destruction. You may only transfer Personal Data to third-party service providers who agree to comply with the required policies and procedures and who agree to put adequate measures in place, as requested.

 You must maintain data security by protecting the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the Personal Data, defined as follows:

  • Confidentiality means that only people who have a need to know and are authorised to use the Personal Data can access it.
  • Integrity means that Personal Data is accurate and suitable for the purpose for which it is processed.
  • Availability means that authorised users are able to access the Personal Data when they need it for authorised purposes.
  • You must comply with all applicable aspects of our Information Security Policy OR comply with and not attempt to circumvent the administrative, physical and technical safeguards we implement and maintain in accordance with the GDPR and relevant standards to protect Personal Data.

Reporting a Data Breach

The GDPR requires Data Controllers to notify any Personal Data Breach to the applicable regulator and, in certain instances, the Data Subject.

We have put in place procedures such as the Data Breach Policy to deal with any suspected Personal Data Breach and will notify Data Subjects or any applicable regulator where we are legally required to do so.

If you know or suspect that a Personal Data Breach has occurred, do not attempt to investigate the matter yourself. Immediately contact the person or team designated as the key point of contact for Personal Data Breaches [the DPO, the information technology or security department, the legal department and follow the Security Incident Response Plan/Checklist. You should preserve all evidence relating to the potential Personal Data Breach.