Strategy objectives

This strategy is designed to sit with and complement existing strategies and action plans.   

Strategy vision - for a borough where biodiversity is bigger, better and more joined up. 

Networks of accessible, natural greenspace, linking areas of habitat that are positively managed for wildlife, biodiversity gain and resident enjoyment. 

Strategy aims: To ensure that South Ribble Borough councils responsibilities to conserve and enhance biodiversity is integrated into the work of all departments and there is a clear understanding of biodiversity and how it relates to decision making. That residents and businesses benefit from maintaining and improving a healthy green environment.

The main objectives of this strategy are:

  • to act as a responsible landowner and land manager and conserve and enhance biodiversity
  • to highlight priority habitats and species that have value locally and nationally
  • to highlight threats and issues that may adversely impact priority habitats and species
  • to maintain, restore and create habitat connectivity
  • to share good practice and develop partnerships
  • to encourage education and community action / involvement
  • to instigate a cross department ethos that will inform decisions
  • to ensure development does not negatively impact on existing biodiversity across the borough and where possible actively improves it.