Temporary Event Notice objections

Tacit consent

After the consultation period has expired, if there are no outstanding representations the application is granted as applied for. If there are outstanding objections the application will be referred to a Licensing Sub-Committee for determination. If the application is for a late TEN and there are objections the notice will be refused.


Only the Police and Environmental Health may object to a TEN, and only on grounds related to 1 or more of the licensing objectives:

  • crime and disorder
  • public safety
  • prevention of public nuisance  
  • protection of children from harm.

They have 3 working days to object after the service of the TEN.

If there is an objection to a standard TEN, which cannot be resolved by agreed modification of the notice, a hearing by the council's Licensing Sub-Committee will be arranged. The Sub-Committee can decide to uphold or dismiss the objection and can impose conditions in certain circumstances.

Objection appeals

If, following a hearing, we decide to issue a counter notice in relation to a standard TEN, a premises user can appeal against the decision. Equally, if we decide not to issue a counter notice in relation to a standard TEN the Police or Environmental Health can appeal the decision. 

An objection to a late TEN by the police or Environmental Health requires us to issue a counter notice and the late TEN will be of no effect. There is no right to a hearing by the Licensing Sub-Committee or any appeal.