
If you're not completely happy with the service we have provided to you, we'd like to hear about it - that way, we can do something to put it right.

Make a complaint

We aim to make it easy for you to report your concerns to us; give your complaint the attention it deserves; resolve your complaint fairly and without delay and make sure you are happy with the way in which your complaint has been handled.

We appreciate people telling us when we don't get it right first time. You may wish to complain when you feel we have failed to do something that we promised to do; have done something badly or when you feel you have been treated unfairly or impolitely.

 Please note that South Ribble Borough Council has no control over other Government agencies, which can change laws and procedures that affect the services we provide (eg planning and benefits laws).

We aim to resolve your complaint straight away, but this is not always possible as we may need to investigate. In such cases we will take the information from you and pass it on to the relevant department.

We will write to you within 10 working days, by letter, email, or any other method you have requested, with the outcome.

If you are still not happy, you will be given the option of progressing the complaint to stage 2, where your complaint will be dealt with by a manager or director, who will respond within 10 working days.  

Still not happy?

Sometimes we do not agree on the outcome of a complaint and, in these instances, we will write to you with the council's final position on the matter. If you still wish to take the issue further, you can contact the Local Government Ombudsman who will undertake an independent review of the complaint for you.

You may approach the Local Government Ombudsman at any stage of the complaints process, although the Ombudsman will not usually investigate unless you have gone through the council's complaints procedure first.

Address: Local Government Ombudsman; PO Box 4771; Coventry; CV4 0EH.

Tel: 0300 061 0614 or 0845 602 1983.

Make a complaint about a councillor

You can make a complaint about a councillor by emailing

Alternatively, you can write to:

The Monitoring Officer
South Ribble Borough Council
West Paddock
PR25 1DH

To view the process in full please view more information on the constitution of the council, select the most recent constitution, then member code of conduct.




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