All public authorities are required to publish information about their workforce in order to demonstrate their compliance with the public sector Equality Duty. This includes information relating to employees who share protected characteristics, as defined by the Equality Act 2010. This helps us understand our workforce and identify whether it is representative of the community it serves. Also, it helps us assess how our decisions and policies effect people as an employer.
The information presented on this page includes:
- overall workforce data relating to gender, ethnicity, age, and disability
- gender pay information
- cases disciplinary, grievance, mediation relating to gender, disability and ethnicity.
Workforce data
The data used to create this page was collated in April 2024 and includes staff from South Ribble, Shared Services, as well as Waste Services.
The table below disaggregates the overall workforce by age (completion rate 100%):
Age | Percentage |
65+ | 3.1% |
60 to 64 | 11.8% |
50 to 59 | 25.2% |
40 to 49 | 24.7% |
25 to 39 | 28.3% |
18 to 24 | 5.6% |
16 to 17 | 1.3% |
The table below disaggregates the overall workforce by disability (all types). Disclosure of diversity information remains voluntary and therefore the data reflects those who have made it known to the authority and therefore may not be reflective overall:
Disability? | Percentage |
Yes | 1% |
No | 99% |
The table below disaggregates the overall workforce by Ethnicity. Disclosure of diversity information remains voluntary and therefore the data reflects those who have made it known to the authority and therefore may not be reflective overall:
Ethnicity | Percentage |
Asian or Asian British | 1.28% |
Mixed - White and Black Caribbean | 0.25% |
White British or English | 27.17% |
White - Other | 1.53% |
Prefer not to say | 0.25% |
Unknown | 69.52% |
The table below displays the proportion of the workforce who classify themselves as either male or female:
Gender | Percentage |
Male | 52.7% |
Female | 47.3% |
Disciplinary, Grievance, and Mediation
The disciplinary, grievance and mediation cases, as disaggregated below into gender, disability, and ethnicity, was collated in April 2024 and includes Chorley and Shared Service staff.
The table below shows the percentage of disciplinary, grievance and mediation cases disaggregated by disability (all types):
Disability? | Percentage |
Yes | 22.2% |
No | 77.8% |
The table below displays the percentage of disciplinary, grievance and mediation cases disaggregated by ethnicity:
Ethnicity | Percentage |
White British / White Other | 100% |
The table below presents the percentage of disciplinary, grievance and mediation cases disaggregated by gender:
Gender | Percentage |
Male | 44.4% |
Female | 55.6% |