Apply for a private hire taxi operator's licence
Prospective private hire operator applicants must ensure that any premises they wish to licence as an operator's base are within the South Ribble Borough Council boundaries.
Premises may also require planning permission before becoming a private hire operator's base. It is the owner's responsibility to check whether permission is needed, but any contentious addresses will be passed to our planning department upon receipt of an application, or if the operator's address changes.
When applying for a private hire operator's licence, you must satisfy us that you are a fit and proper person to hold a licence. Our policy requires that you gather the following documents and book a new operator appointment with us by contacting us by email to or by calling 01772 625625.
- a valid certificate of employer's liability insurance, (if the applicant is employing staff)
- a valid certificate of public liability insurance, (if the premises has a publicly accessible area)
- a copy of the valid planning consent (if appropriate)
- a copy of the licence issued for the use of radios (if appropriate)
- a basic disclosure certificate issued within 4 weeks of the application (unless the operator is already a South Ribble Borough Council licensed driver)
Before you come in for your appointment you must complete the online application form.
You should read our hackney carriage and private hire licensing policy for full details of the application process.
It is advisable to contact us prior to making an application for a private hire operator's licence.
Application form
Apply for a new Private Hire Operators Licence
Renew a private hire taxi operator's licence
Holders of existing private hire operator's licences must submit a renewal application before the expiry date printed on the licence. Failure to renew the licence by the expiry date will result in the licence lapsing.
Once a licence has lapsed you would be committing offences by continuing to invite, accept or dispatch private hire vehicles and drivers until such time as a new application has been considered and granted.