In addition to providing litter bins, we also carry out litter picking. It is important that everyone takes responsibility for improving the environment by using the litter bins provided. 

If you do notice any littered areas, then please report this to us. We will then arrange for a team to attend and carry out a litter pick of the area.

Report litter

Penalties for dropping litter

It is an offence to drop litter on public land.

A fixed penalty notice of £80 may be served, payable within 20 days of the notice being issued.

Litter picking volunteers

We also support community groups to carry out litter picking on a voluntary basis. We can assist through providing the necessary equipment to do this safely. View more information on volunteering.

Emptying of litter bins

All clean zone bins are emptied on a daily basis, including Saturday and Sunday. All other bins are emptied at least twice a week.

If you see a full litter bin that needs emptying, you can report it to us online. Please note that if the litter bin is scheduled to be emptied the following day then we will empty it as scheduled. We use requests to empty full litter bins to help us to improve our emptying of bins schedule. 

Report an issue with a litter bin