Pre application advice is early discussions with agents and developers to facilitate acceptable development.
The benefits of pre application advice
Constructive discussions about schemes before they are submitted as a planning application can help steer proposals into a form that are more likely to be acceptable to us whilst leading to the reworking or dropping of proposals that appear to be fundamentally unacceptable.
Entering into pre application discussions will help save time, avoid wasted expense and avoid frustration. More complex proposals or those requiring a site visit may take longer to assess. If we cannot respond within 21 working days, we will write to you and let you know when you can expect to receive a full reply.
Request pre application advice for a non-householder developments
Before pre-application advice can be provided you will need to provide:
- site location plan at an appropriate scale, usually 1:1250 or 1:2500
- details of current use and site history if known
- details of the nature and scale of the development proposed
- draft Design and Access Statement
- photographs of the site and it's surroundings
- sketch drawings of the proposed development to include a proposed layout, floorplans and elevations, sufficient to indicate the scale and height of development proposed.
If you are having difficulty providing the above information, it may be possible for us to give you advice based on simple sketch drawings of your proposal. You can email or call 01772 625625 to discuss whether this will be possible.
Once you have completed the pre application advice form and gathered the information set out above, you should e-mail it to The relevant fee as detailed in the pre application advice form can be paid by calling us on 01772 625625 and advising you wish to pay a planning pre application advice fee.
Pre application advice charges
The charge for this service depends on the size of the development proposed.
Development Size |
Definition |
Pre App Fees |
Householder |
Householder pre-apps |
£50 |
Small |
1 to 3 dwellings, floor space less than 100 sq m |
£200 |
Medium |
4 to 9 dwellings, floor space of 100 - 1000 sq m |
£500 |
Major |
10 to 49 dwellings, floor space of 1000 - 2000 sq m, site area of 1-2 ha |
£2,000 |
Significant Major |
50+ dwellings, floor space of 2000 sq m or more, Site area more than 2 ha |
£3,000 |
Listed buildings and conservation areas
Please seek advice in all instances where your property is a listed building or within a conservation area, as different rules may apply.
Permitted development enquiries
Please note, we are unable to confirm in writing whether a development does not require planning permission because it falls under 'permitted development' through pre application advice. If you require confirmation that your development does not require planning permission because you consider that it falls within 'permitted development', you will need to submit an application for a Lawful Development Certificate for a proposed use.