The Planning Committee makes decisions on planning and related applications and is made up of elected councillors of South Ribble Borough Council.

View details of the Planning Committee including its members. 

The Planning Committee meet approximately every 4 weeks. 

View past and future Planning Committee meetings

Members of the public are welcome to attend meetings.

The Planning Committee generally deals with large, complex or controversial applications. 

Householder applications are not dealt with by the Planning Committee. 

Speaking at Planning Committee 

The public may attend Planning Committee meetings to speak either for or against development proposals. 

Any member of the public including the applicant and agent who wishes to speak at the meeting will need to inform us by e-mail to or by calling 01772 625625.

The deadline for registering to speak will usually be 12 noon 2 working days prior to the committee meeting to be held on a Thursday evening at 6pm.

Up to 5 members of the public who wish to speak against an application will be allowed to do so. Each will have up to 4 minutes in which to state their case.

Up to 5 members of the public who wish to speak in favour of an application will then be allowed to speak. Again, each will have up to 4 minutes in which to state their case

The right to speak does not replace other arrangements for commenting on planning applications. Objectors and supporters should still write to us in the usual way. The right to speak only applies to applications which are being determined by Planning Committee. There is no right to speak when we make planning decisions under delegated powers.

About 1 week before the Planning Committee meeting, we will inform anyone with the right to make a request to speak of their opportunity to do so. We will also explain the procedures if more than 1 person has requested to speak on an application.

Meetings are held in the Shield Room in the Civic Centre at 6pm.