The Local Plan was adopted at Full Council on 22 July 2015.  The documents can be viewed below:

Adopted Local Plan

We have prepared an interactive version of the Local Plan Policies Map (adopted July 2015). You can use the interactive map to see what is allocated in different parts of South Ribble.  It allows you to identify an area of South Ribble that interests you and then view all the relevant policy designations or allocations of the land with a link to the relevant policy pages of the South Ribble Local Plan Document.  

Sustainability Appraisal

Inspectors' Final Report - June 2015

Local Plan Policies Map

Local Plan Policies Map - Main Urban Area

Due to significant changes in the national and sub-regional policy landscape since the adoption of the Central Lancashire Core Strategy and South Ribble Local Plan, a review of these Plans is now necessary.  Further work is also required on the Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Show people Accommodation Assessment (GTAA) which will be addressed as part of the review of the Local Plan. 

The timetable for production of the documents can be found in the Central Lancashire Local Development Scheme.

G7 Green Infrastructure - Site off Langdale Road, Leyland

Early in 2017, the planning department noticed there had been a drafting error in the final version of the map accompanying the Local Plan, relating to a site off Langdale Road, Leyland.  This meant that the whole of the site was incorrectly shown as G7 - Green Infrastructure, when in fact part should have been shown as B1 - Existing Built Up Area, and part as G7 - Green Infrastructure.

Further investigation revealed that the land was given two designations early (approximately July 2012) in the process of preparing the new Local Plan. This was following an audit that was carried out by consultants, which looked at the quality and the role of all the open space in the borough.  The strip of protected woodland across the site frontage is subject to Policy G7 Green Infrastructure, and the remaining open grassed area is subject to Policy B1 Existing Built Up Areas.

During the preparation of the Local Plan, the two designations were then subject to public consultation; considered by the Government's Local Plan Examiner and found sound and as a consequence of this subsequently adopted by South Ribble Council. Therefore they are the lawful designations of the land in planning terms. It was only when printing the final map and information was sent to the printers that an error occurred and an old base layer was used which showed an earlier designation when Policy G7 covered the whole site.

A plan showing the incorrect designation - Incorrect designation boundary map

A plan showing the correct designation - Correct designation boundary map

Policy B1 - Existing Built Up Areas

Within the existing built up areas, as defined on the Polices map, proposals for the re-use of undeveloped and unused land and buildings, or for redevelopment, will be permitted provided that the development:

a) Complies with the requirement for access, parking and services, as set out elsewhere in this Plan;

b) Is in keeping with the character and appearance of the area; and

c) Will not adversely affect the amenities of nearby residents.

Policy G7 - Green Infrastructure 

Green infrastructure is defined in the introduction to this chapter. Development proposals should seek to protect and enhance the existing Green infrastructure.  Development which would involve the loss of Green Infrastructure (as identified on the Policies map) will not be permitted unless:

a) Alternative provision of similar and/or better facilities for the community will be implemented on another site within the locality; or

b) It can be demonstrated that the retention of the site is not required to satisfy a recreational need in the local area; and

c) The development would not detrimentally affect the amenity value and the nature conservation value of the site.