How to submit or amend site details for the Brownfield Register

We are interested in hearing from you about sites that you would like us to consider, located anywhere in South Ribble, which meet the following criteria:

  • land must be suitable for residential development;
  • land must be be available for residential development and
  • residential development of the land must be achievable.

Where a brownfield site is allocated for a use other than housing in the Local Plan and there is compelling evidence supporting that allocation, it is unlikely that the site would be regarded as being suitable for housing.

To submit a site for consideration you will need to complete the Brownfield Register Brownfield register submission form and provide a map, plan or aerial photograph clearly showing the site's boundaries.  A separate form and a separate map is required for each site. Where it is not possible to complete a form in full or you are unsure as to whether the above criteria would be met, any details will be welcomed.  In order for a site to be considered we need forms to be completed as fully as possible/applicable.

If you would like to provide us with an update on a site already within the SHLAA or Brownfield Register, please do so by completing a new form and including the existing SHLAA reference in the site address at question 3.  If the boundary has changed we will need an up-to-date map plus a new form. A brief explanation of any amendments would also be useful.  If the site is no longer available for housing please let us know so that we can remove it.

The council will assess the Brownfield Register sites annually and only include those it considers suitable.  If a landowner is aggrieved by a decision taken by the council, they still have the option to make an application for planning permission.

South Ribble Council continually accepts housing site suggestions for the Brownfield Register at the following addresses:

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us - or telephone 01772 625451.

NB: The SHLAA and the Brownfield Register are public documents and therefore details submitted for inclusion will become public information.