Implemented in South Ribble September 2013 Reformed March 2019

The Charging Authority: The Charging Authority is South Ribble Borough Council

Date Charging Schedule Took Effect: The Charging Schedule came into effect on 1 September 2013.

The CIL Regulations set a default requirement of full payment of the Levy charge within 60 days of the commencement of the chargeable development. However, under Regulation 69B of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended), it is permissible for a Charging Authority to establish an Instalments Policy.

In accordance with Regulation 69B of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended), South Ribble Borough Council (The Charging Authority) will apply the following Instalment Policy in respect of all development which is CIL liable. The instalment periods and values are not negotiable.

Total CIL liability Number of instalments Amount payable and payment period
Less than £10,000


100% payable within 60 days of commencement notice
Between £10,000 and £20,000


1st instalment - 50% within 60 days of commencement

2nd instalment - 50% within 120 days of commencement

Between £20,000 and £40,000


1st instalment - 34% within 60 days of commencement

2nd instalment - 33% within 120 days of commencement

3rd instalment - 33% within 180 days of commencement

More than £40,000


1st instalment - 25% within 60 days of commencement

2nd instalment - 25% within 120 days of commencement

3rd instalment - 25% within 180 days of commencement

4th instalment - 25% within 240 days of commencement

This Instalments Policy was implemented on 1 September 2013.

Payment periods

  • where a phased planning permission is granted, Regulation 9(4) requires that each phase is treated as a separate chargeable development. Each separate phase is liable for its own CIL contribution and is payable in line with the Instalments Policy
  • notwithstanding this Instalments Policy there is nothing to prevent the person who has assumed liability to pay CIL, to pay the outstanding amount in whole or in part in advance of the timescale specified in the policy
  • where an amount payable in accordance with this policy is not received in full on or before the day on which it is due, the unpaid balance becomes payable in full immediately in accordance with Regulation 70(8)
  • if paying by cheque, these must be submitted at least 10 working days in advance of the due date, as the date payment is received, is the date the cheque has cleared. We only complete cheque runs once a week
  • any overdue / unpaid amounts not received by the due date, will be subject to Mandatory Late Payment Interest, and may incur additional surcharges, in accordance with Part 9.