Warm Home Grants

The aim of this grant scheme is to support residents in owner occupied properties to fund home energy efficiency improvements, therefore creating long-term sustainable reductions to their energy bills.

This scheme targets residents who cannot reasonably afford to fund the home improvements themselves.

Improvements that this scheme funds includes:

  • Replacement of broken boiler
  • Replacement of inefficient boiler (EPC rating F or below)
  • Replacement of broken timber single glazed windows of doors
  • Cavity Wall Insulation
  • Loft Insulation (Loft must be clear of any belongings)

Households will be eligible for funding if they meet at least one of the following vulnerabilities and have a low income, defined as follows.


  • people with a diagnosed cardiovascular conditions
  • people with a diagnosed respiratory conditions (in particular, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and childhood asthma)
  • people with diagnosed mental health conditions
  • people with diagnosed disabilities
  • older people (65 and older)
  • households with young children (up to the age of 5)
  • pregnant women
  • people who are terminally ill
  • people with suppressed immune systems (e.g. from cancer treatment or HIV)
  • people who have attended hospital due to a fall

The following vulnerable groups will be considered on referral from a professional organisation

  • people who move in and out of homelessness
  • people with addictions
  • Recent immigrants and refugees.

Low income

Low income can be confirmed in one of the following three ways:

  • Someone being in receipt of means tested benefits
  • Have a total household income not in excess of £31,000 and less than £5000 in savings
  • A 'declaration' by the Local Authority or health / social care professional that affordability issues are present.

How to apply

Apply by emailing strategichousing@southribble.gov.uk or call 01772 625625 or 01772 625363 or 01772 625246