Hackney carriage table of fares applies to all journeys within the borough boundary, and to journeys outside the borough boundary unless agreed otherwise between driver and hirer, prior to the hiring being commenced. Fares detailed below are the maximum fares that may be charged.

No other charges may be made.

Tariff 1

For hiring commenced between the hours of 6am and midnight Monday to Sunday:

  • for the first two tenths of a mile - £2.70
  • for each succeeding tenth of a mile - £0.20

Tariff 2

For hiring commenced between the hours of midnight and 6am, Statutory Holidays and Bank Holidays (excluding Christmas and New Year), or when carrying 5 or more passengers on Tariff 1 rates*:

  • for the first two tenths a mile - £3.50
  • for each succeeding tenth of a mile thereafter - £0.25

Tariff 3

For hiring commenced between the hours of 6pm Christmas Eve and 6am on 27 December and between 6pm on New Year's Eve and 6am on 2 January or when carrying 5 or more passengers on Tariff 2 rates*:

  • for the first two tenths of a mile - £4.50
  • for each succeeding tenth of a mile thereafter - £0.35
  • extra per person when actually carrying 5 or more passengers on Tariff 3 rates* - £0.40
  • Waiting time on each tariff for each period of 30 seconds or uncompleted thereof - £0.10

Extras (optional)

  • for each passenger in excess of 1 for each whole journey - £0.20
  • for each article of luggage - £0.20
  • for each dog carried (except guide, hearing or other assistance dogs) - £1 
  • for the soiling of the vehicle so as to necessitate valeting; not exceeding - £100

* Driver must make the hirer aware at the start of the journey.

Complaints or Compliments

Details of complaints or compliments should be forwarded to us by email to licensing@southribble.gov.uk or by post to Licensing Unit, South Ribble Borough Council, Civic Centre, West Paddock, Leyland, PR25 1DH.

Remember to note the licence plate number and ask for a receipt for the journey.