Why is there concern over properties being left empty?

What happens to empty homes is not simply a matter of concern to those who own them.

  • a property that is left unoccupied and not maintained will eventually impact on its surroundings including neighbouring properties whose condition and value might be adversely affected
  • empty properties are at risk from being broken into by vandals and squatters and in extreme cases might become a target for arson and anti-social behavior
  • empty homes can be the cause of complaints in relation to environmental health issues, and the police and fire services are also regularly called out to deal with empty properties
  • bringing empty homes back into use will save hours of officer time and enable investment to be targeted into other areas
  • bringing empty homes back into use can reduce the need to build more much needed new homes thus reducing pressure on greenfield development. The reuse of the existing building fabric is also generally more environmentally sustainable than building new homes
  •  bringing empty homes back into use can also act as a catalyst for wider regeneration by boosting confidence in the property market
  • empty homes are a wasted resource from the point of view of the local authority, especially at a time when there are people in urgent need of suitable accommodation
  • the only effective way to reduce the negative impact of an empty dwelling is to occupy it. It is therefore in the public interest that empty homes are brought back into use.