Every local authority is required to undertake a review of its polling districts and polling places every 5 years, with a public consultation forming part of that review. It is important to note that the review does not affect ward or constituency boundaries but is instead about the location people cast their vote.

We're conducting a statutory review of our polling districts, polling places and polling stations. The definitions of these are as follows:

  • A polling district is a geographical area which is created by dividing up an electoral area. All wards within South Ribble are divided into polling districts, which form the basis upon which the register of electors is produced.
  • A polling place is the designated area (i.e. building) in which a polling station is located in a particular polling district.
  • A polling station is the area where the process of voting takes place (i.e. a room within a building).

The aim of the review is to ensure that:

  • Electors have such reasonable facilities for voting as are practicable in the circumstances; and
  • As far as is reasonable and practicable, polling places are accessible to all electors, and take into account the needs of disabled persons.

The review will not consider ward boundaries or parliamentary constituencies.

Notice of Review (PDF) [73KB]

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