Elected as a councillor

After the election results are announced, newly elected councillors will be invited to sign the 'Declaration of Acceptance of Office' , which must be signed as soon as possible but before they are able to start their councillor work.  

The term of office for a councillor is 4 years, which starts the fourth calendar day after the announcement of the election results.

An induction day will be held the week after the election for newly elected councillors. There will be an opportunity to meet fellow councillors, senior officers and receive important information which would be useful in those first few weeks and beyond. This is also when newly elected councillors will receive their IT equipment.

As well as supporting residents in their communities, councillors sit on committees and make decisions at local level. They also receive a monthly allowance to enable them to carry out their role.

Councillors are public office holders, and accordingly are subject to a statutory regime, designed to promote high standards in public life. By signing the Declaration of Acceptance of Office, a councillor is agreeing to be bound by the Member Code of Conduct. You must ensure that you read this prior to signing it, indicating that you will adhere to it.

For more information and advice on begin a councillor visit the Local Government Association (LGA) website for newly elected councillors.