What we will do

11. We will help you in the following ways:

Early intervention

i. We will try to identify as early as possible where people may be financially vulnerable and will do what we can to help.

ii. We will offer help and support if you let us know you are having difficulty paying.

iii. We will let you know as soon as possible when payments are overdue to avoid further action.

Advice and education

i. You can request advice and information to help you to manage your finances with confidence. We will promote business rate and Council Tax reliefs and reductions to increase take-up and help you apply for these.

ii. We will signpost you to help with budgeting advice.

iii. Where you may feel there is a genuine dispute, we will work with you to resolve this as soon as possible.

Clear and timely communication

i. We will contact you as soon as possible and will include clear information about what a payment is for, when and how to pay.

ii. Wherever possible we will make direct contact with you.

iii. We will make sure you know how to contact us if you are struggling to make payment.

iv. We will tell you of the amounts due and dates for payments. We will also let you know what may happen next if you don't pay.

Easy and flexible payment

i. We will offer a range of ways and times to pay and promote these.

ii. We will help you by offering alternative payment dates wherever possible

Collection and recovery

i. We collect some types of money by sending letters at certain times because we must do this by law. Please ask for more information.

ii. We will only take legal action where this is necessary, but we will consider your circumstances wherever possible.