Social Value Policy - What is Social Value?

Social Value is the additional economic, social and environmental benefits that can be created when the Council purchases from an outside organisation, above and beyond the value of the Services purchased.

Social Value is defined by The Social Value Portal as:

"An umbrella term for the wider economic, social and environmental effects of an organisations activities. Organisations that make a conscious effort to ensure that these effects are positive can be seen as adding social value by contributing to the long-term wellbeing and resilience of individuals, communities and society in general."

  • Economic effects relate to the creation and maintenance of a strong local economy, and the encouragement of local innovation to make the economy more efficient.  
  • Social effects relate to ensuring equality and diversity and maximising social inclusion.
  • Environmental effects relate to ensuring local bio diversity, reducing carbon emissions, recycling and controlled consumption.

Examples of how these three 'pillars' of sustainable procurement can benefit the local community - economic, social and environmental- are set  below.

In some instances, outcomes will cross over multiple areas. Interventions that meet multiple objectives are possible and should be pursued where deliverable.


  • provision of high quality green spaces
  • limit resource use and minimise waste
  • improved public transport connectivity
  • ensure bio diversity resilience
  • create resilient infrastructure
  • implement clean energy solutions, leading to an improve local environment


  • secure thriving local businesses
  • create local employment opportunities
  • support and grow the local supply chain
  • develop a diverse multi skilled local economy
  • improve opportunities for the VCSE supply chain
  • improve educational outcomes/skill development


  • strengthen local ownership
  • minimise homelessness
  • reduce social and economic isolation
  • enable community development and activity
  • improve physical and mental wellbeing
  • generate vibrant social networks
  • develop balanced and integrated communities
  • reduce crime