Arranging community group insurance 

If you are going to be delivering sessions, activities or events then we recommend that your group have appropriate insurance. 

There are many insurance companies that offer community group insurance. These are usually annual policies that need renewing each year. 

Costs will depend on the nature of the activities or events you are wanting to deliver.  

Alternatively, you could approach a larger organisation or community group and ask to operate under their insurance.   

Promoting and advertising your community group 

Once aims and objectives have been set out and funding and insurance are in place, it's time to let the public know about your group. 

The type of promotion to use depends on those who need to know about your group.   

If they are active online, consider using social media networks to spread the word. If they tend not to use the internet or email, think about flyers or adverts in a local newspaper. 

Running your community group safely 

Risk assessments 

Voluntary groups are not required to undertake risk assessments; however, they are strongly advised to do so. In addition, it may be a requirement of a funding or governing body and the use of risk assessments can also provide evidence of good practice that may be used to negotiate better insurance premiums.  

The risk assessment process may seem like a chore but is a good way of raising awareness of safety issues.  

Community group grants and funding 

There are various national and local grants available for volunteer community groups once you have a Terms of Reference, Chair, Secretary and group bank account.