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CON290 price list

CON290 Price List
Enquiry Cost (inc of VAT)
Q4 - Road Proposals by Private Bodies£25.20
Q5 - Advertisements£19.20
Q6 - Completion Notices£25.20
Q7 - Parks and Countryside£19.20
Q8 - Pipelines£19.20
Q9 - Houses in Multiple Occupation£19.20
Q10  - Noise Abatement£19.20
Q11 - Urban Development Areas£19.20
Q12 - Enterprise Zones£25.20
Q13 - Inner Urban Improvement Areas£19.20
Q14- Simplified Planning Zones£19.20
Q15 - Land Maintenance Notices£19.20
Q16- Mineral Consultation Areas£19.20
Q17 - Hazardous Substances Consents£19.20
Q18 - Environmental and Pollution Notices£25.20
Q19 - Food Safety Notices£19.20
Q20 - Hedgerow Notices£19.20
Q21- Flood Defence and Land Drainage Consents£25.20
Q22 - Common Land and Town or Village Green£25.20


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