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Charging Schedule

Appendix one

Use Definitions

Dwelling house

A house used for a dwelling place.

The CIL charge will apply to the same definition as the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes Order) 1987, Class C3 a, b and c


Due to a difference in viability, apartments are excluded from the dwellinghouse category and are described as dwellings with shared access, and communal areas, on more than one floor, and are excluded from the dwelling house use charge and will be charged the same as the "All other uses", CIL category

Convenience Retail Stores

Convenience retail stores are shopping destinations in their own right, where weekly food shopping needs can be met and which can also include non-food floorspace as part of the overall mix within the store.

Neighbourhood Convenience Stores

Stores where 'top up' food shopping needs can be met. These stores are not subject to restricted opening hours under the Sunday Trading Act (and so by virtue of this they will have an internal trading floor area of 280 Sqm or less)

Retail Warehouse and Retail Parks

Stores selling, comparison goods such as bulky goods, furniture, other household and gardening products, clothing, footwear and recreational goods. These stores are of a single storey format, often with flexibility to include an internal mezzanine floor, and usually have dedicated free car parking to serve the unit or cluster of units in the case of a retail park.

To avoid any confusion with convenience retail stores, a store will be considered to be a retail warehouse if 50% or more of the net trading floor area is dedicated to comparison goods.

Community Uses

For the purpose of CIL adopt a modified version of those uses included in the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes Order) 1987, relating to non- residential institutions (D1), assembly and leisure uses (D2) and residential institutions (C2) and assembly and leisure uses. This use charge category relates to those buildings included in these categories and provided by the public sector, not for profit and charitable sectors, and is extended to include infrastructure provided by the emergency services.

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