The South Ribble Borough Council Armed Forces Covenant is a statement of mutual support between the civilian community of South Ribble and our local Armed Forces Community.

                                                                                                    Armed forces convent

It is South Ribble's expression, at a local community level, of the National Armed Forces Covenant, which outlines the moral obligation between the Nation, the Government and the Armed Forces.

The purpose of the South Ribble Armed Forces Covenant is to encourage support for the Armed Forces Community working and residing in South Ribble, and to recognise and remember the sacrifices made by members of our Armed Forces Community, particularly those who have given the most. This includes in-service and ex-service personnel, their families and widow(er)s in South Ribble. 

For South Ribble Borough Council, the Covenant presents an opportunity to provide help and advice to members of the Armed Forces Community.

For the Armed Forces Community, the Covenant encourages integration from service life into civilian life and encourages members of the Armed Forces Community to help their local community.

South Ribble Borough Council is aware of the unique challenges that are faced by people leaving the Armed Forces. These can be practical things, such as finding a job or understanding how to manage bills. They can also be emotional - like dealing with post-traumatic stress.
It is not about preferential treatment. It is about removing disadvantage and ensuring fairness for our Forces Community by promoting equality of opportunity in access to local services.

To help meet these challenges, the South Ribble Armed Forces Covenant focuses on four key areas of support:

• family life
• skills and Employment
• housing
• health 

The Armed Forces Covenant also provides a focus for continued recognition of the debt of gratitude our community owes service personnel, reservists, veterans and their families.

South Ribble Armed Forces Covenant (PDF) [702KB]